full spectrum of viewpoints from our state to be expressed.
Slavery is very important to Virginia.
It is important to Virginia because all of our tobacco fields and cotton plantations are dependant on our slaves. Slaves are the backbone of our growing state. Without the slaves, the profit made from the fields and plantations would be less than half of what it is now. So, we should not consider abolishing slaves. However, slaves should not be treated as normal people. They should not get to do the same things that we do as rightful citizens of America. Virginia, a successful state full of people, needs slaves to prosper. The Headright System, created by the London Virginia Company, encouraged the colonists to import indentured servants to the colony for labor. In exchange for these imported slaves, the colonists received plots of land based on their contributions. If slavery is abolished, this plan would have been a waste of land and money. Also major civilizations such as Greece and Rome both had slaves. If we freed all the slaves there would be a wide spread of unemployed and homeless people who would cause a lot of chaos. This could lead to many different uprisings and anarchy. Also in the Bible it is stated that Abraham had slaves. Nowhere in the Bible is slavery addressed as bad. Slaves should not be considered to be part of the population. Our slaves do not get basic rights, so why should they be represented by congress in our society? Our population is already so large that the difference it would make would be very small.
Slaves are our property and we should be able to do with them as we wish.
We also believe that the Executive Branch should not be more powerful than the states. We believe this because our country recently fought in many battles to earn freedom from the British. We wanted this freedom because their government, a monarchy, was becoming too corrupt. We think that the executive branch should be of the same power as the judicial branch. This change would ensure that one branch does not have too much power. With a more powerful state government, it makes it easier for people to express their opinions without having government related jobs. Having a strong state government allows many different viewpoints to be expressed. Most people do not care too much about what is going on one hundred miles from where they are. The people want to vote on issues related to themselves. Yes, it is still possible for a state government to become corrupt, but at least we can readily have a voice in the government. Those that govern close, govern best.