The world of Virtual Reality has so many different operations that are used in all kinds of areas like the medical field, airlines and in the military. The medical field uses the virtual reality simulation, for emergency training, for surgical training and is also used to help people with phobias. The Virtual reality simulation is also used in teaching pilots how to fly with their flight simulators. The military uses virtual reality to train our troops. This helps our soldiers train for real war combat, in a virtual reality world. They also have a simulator, that helps them learn how to fly planes and drive their tanks. Virtual reality is not only used for learning, it is also for fun. There are all kinds of virtual reality games, some are still in progress and some are available on game boxes such as Wii.
“Computer graphics have applied in producing “ADAM” (Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine), an extensive collection of two-dimensional anatomical drawings. The user can strip away the tissues layer by layer and cut away sections to give a three dimensional effect”. (Dunkley, 1994). Of the medical applications electronic laparoscopic simulators have come closest to approaching virtual reality, but even these have a long way to go before they become a functional part of surgical training. (Dunkley, 1994). Virtual reality is also used to treat people with phobias it is called VR Therapy. “VR uses the most sophisticated computer to recreate the sights and sounds of a fear-provoking situation in a “virtual” environment. Patients enter this simulated environment by putting on a head-mount display – like those used in virtual reality games. The therapist uses a computer keyboard to control everything the patients see and hear. For example, a patient with fear of flying will experience a variety of flight related situations, such as sitting on and taxiing down the runway, taking off, flying in different types
References: Bymer, M. (2012, Aug). Virtual reality used to train soldiers in new training simulator. Retrieved from Dunkley, P. (1994, May 14). Virtual reality in medical training. Health & Medicine, 343(8907), 1218. Google. (2013). Virtual Reality. Retrieved from Jones, C. D. (2013). Phobia Treatment (Virtual Reality Therapy). Retrieved from Lenoir, T., & Lowood, H. (2002). The Military-Entertainment Complex. Retrieved from Oregon Health & Science University. (2013). New Virtual Reality Surgery Simulator Hones Surgeons ' Skill. Retrieved from http://www.ohsu,edu Strachan, I. (2011). Military Technology. Visualization Systems Play a Vital Role in Training, 35(12), 37-43. Virtual Reality. (2009). Virtual reality Games. Retrieved from Walker, K. (2013, Apr). TRAINING TIME. Air Transport World, 50(4), 3p.2.