
Walzer's Arguments Against Welfare

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Walzer's Arguments Against Welfare
There are many people in the US that struggle to survive and obtain basic necessities. Welfare is the financial support of people in need but how does the government decide who needs it. Is it the government’s responsibility to help them or should these people not depend on others to help them? Murray believes that welfare is not good because there is always going to be someone who is getting it that doesn't need it and someone who needs it but isn't getting it. He also believes that people who are getting will become completely dependent on it.Walzer believes that welfare is good and the community shouldn't allow people of the community to struggle to meet basic needs. He also thinks that good should be distributed based on need and that each member of the community have a responsibility towards that are in need. I think that everyone deserves to live without worrying about if they have enough money to put food on the table. People that feel like they are financially stable are obligated to help out people in the community to meet basic needs. This should not be something permanent but just until the family can start providing for themselves. We are not responsible to completely take care of someone else and their needs when they are capable to do so themselves. …show more content…
If he gave to Rebecca then drug addicts will try to have children so the government can pay for their drugs. If he gave it to Jimmy then people will begin to think that the government favors injured veterans and start to risk their life not because they want to fight for our country but they want to receive the same benefits as Jimmy. It is better to not give any welfare so people have to work to survive instead of expecting people to help them. If we start helping either one of them then they won't try to change their lifestyle because the government is already paying for all their basic

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