As to the constitutionality and given powers of the War Powers Resolution, the Resolution is entirely legal and constitutional in both principle and practice. While the president maintains the power of statutory authority, which as previously mentioned allows the president to take military acton barring a declaration of war from Congress, in this scenario, the president did not submit the necessary forty-eight hours’ notice to Congress, which forfeited his / her right to statutory authority, which is why I believe Congress to be in the right in this case. …show more content…
It equips Congress with constitutional power over the president, and prohibits any one person from plunging the nation into war. In conclusion, the War Powers Resolution works well within the constitutional authority of Congress and strengthens the balance of powers among the branches of our government. In this scenario, the President violated the due process of issuing military action without the consent of Congress, and as a result, this case would be weighed in favor of