And Proper Storage
What are some of the reasons why you should practice good weapons security in places that are familiar and unfamiliar in a deployed environment? Reason One: You never know what other people may be thinking or planning so as a soldier you should be ready at all times. Reason Two: If you work in a environment where you are around locals that could be potentially a threat to you, you should never be to comfortable around them. Reason Three: You should never leave your weapon unattended because it may be picked up by the wrong person.
Some of the ways you can avoid being a casualty of weapon lose or misplacement are:
1. Always have your weapon on you.
2. If you are doing something that prohibits you from carrying your firearm then …show more content…
You could receive UCMJ action if you lose your weapon. You should always be mindful of all the things that could happen to your weapon and the things that could happen to you if your weapon is lost or stolen. Proper storage of your weapon is highly encouraged. If you are not provided a Weapons Room with the appropriate security you should always be sure to keep your weapon on you or in eye contact. You must always to remember as a soldier that your weapon is your number one means of defense and that it is one of your sensitive items, without it you could put yourself in a lot of danger. Keeping your weapon secure is one of the most important things you are tasked with while deployed. Don’t take that task lightly or you may regret it with your life. Becoming to complacent with your work environment and not realizing that you are still in harms way could be the first step in not keeping your weapon safe. Leading to the carelessness of not keeping you weapon safely secured and the threat of your weapon being taken by someone you know or the