This report is focused on evaluating twelve website selected from the web destinations included in the chapter 13 of the book Effective Small Business Management, 10/E ,Norman M. Scarborough E commerce which is defined simply as buying and selling electronically, it has changed the way in which we do business, e-commerce has launched a revolution. Just as in previous revolutions in the business world, some old players are ousted, and new leaders emerge. The most common form of ecommerce is conducted through the internet network. Conducting e commerce via the internet will require a website, a website is a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages and a web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web .The World Wide Web, or "Web" for short, is a massive collection of digital pages: that large software subset of the Internet dedicated to broadcasting content in the form of HTML pages. A website is like a virtual store front or a virtual organization in other words it’s a window to which customers see through the organization. As such organizations need to make sure that the website is both effective and efficient in achieving the objective for which it was set up for, in the first place. One way attain an effective and efficient website can be achieved is through continuous evaluation. The process of evaluating a website in general is that which is both subjective an objective. I,e it involve personal opinions, interpretations, points of view, and judgment and objectivity is shown fact-based, measurable and observable.????
The Methodology of evaluation
In evaluating the websites for this report, 6 criteria were used, all which answers questions that gives a whole picture on how effective website is. Effective in the sense that does it achieve its objective or not, The 6 criteria each have sub questions that guides us through the evaluation process, each question was answered with