Structural Frame:
- Are there clear goals and objectives / vision / direction? – No, Sheila Givens consulted the employees personally and allowed them to create the vision statement due to the understanding of Westlake lanes. Also, the objectives were not clear due to multiple discrepancies including poor sales in food and beverages, and slow afternoon times without extended hours in the evenings and later opening times initially. Nevertheless, Givens allowed the bowling alley to cost unnecessary costs …show more content…
People bringing their own agendas to be fulfilled? – Yes, specifically with Sinclair with the proposal of pizza alternatives provided to Westlake lanes to improve sales. This showed Givens that Sinclair was passionate and wanted to prove himself.
Human Resource Frame:
- Are people’s needs being met? Physiological, Safety (from danger, attack, threat), Belongingness, Esteem (feeling valued), Self-actualization (ability to develop one’s potential) – Physiological and Safety were status quo. Esteem initially was unvalued due to lack of skill and confidence in regards to the employees keeping their jobs. Self-actualization was embraced by the employees who wanted the organization to benefit and grow from the current state. The remaining employees who had a lack of care did not thrive and were eventually let go by Given’s.
- Is there a good fit between roles, people and the organization?
- Are there gatherings to promote participation? – No, most of the employees have been loyal to the organization as a whole and solely kept business and their relationships at work.
- Are there processes to help individuals grow? – Yes, Given’s had the full time employees become active in the …show more content…
- Yes
Symbolic (Cultural) Frame:
- Are there shared beliefs and values? – Discussed earlier.
- Is there the glue that unites the people within the organization? – Given’s specific example was “insurance was a moral obligation and I wanted to honor [Sugar’s] legacy”. Nevertheless, Given’s was aggressive in her change towards the organization as a whole, but due to the economy, she had a moral compass that she wanted to keep the Westlake family as tight as she possibly could to positively impact Westlake Lanes.
- Is there evidence of company / group rituals, ceremonies, stories that help people find purpose and passion in the organization? – Rituals included taking time during shifts when the lanes were quiet to bowl a game and reflect on their duties and efforts.
- Is there a sense of meaning in the workplace? – Personal attachment and loyalty towards the organization post Sugar’s death embodied the employees and Given’s to keep his dream alive.
2) Now, what are your thoughts / ideas on potential solutions to the challenges and opportunities? (Be sure to apply a number of angles on these