In Oceania the use of information technology is used to keep The Party in power of Oceania. The citizens of Oceania know not to even think about rebellion because they know they are constantly being monitored by The Party in some way. Most citizens of Oceania are very private and don’t share any information with anyone. Oceania’s people know if they say one wrong thing they can be taken by the thought police and killed. …show more content…
The use of technology in the Ministry of Love is more advanced than what is used in the United States today.
The Ministry of Love tortures the wrongdoers by using their worst fears. This information is found out through their various surveillance methods. An example of this is when Winston is taken to Room 101 and his fear of rats is used against him. The fear of rats was first introduced in the room being rented, where there was supposedly no telescreen but there was indeed a telescreen that was on and listening. The Ministry of Truth is also another ministry that has advanced information technology. The Ministry of Truth uses speakwrites to alter history to match The Party’s
In the United States today information technology is used to primarily keep the United States safe. Although in 2016 some citizens do not know what information is being kept track of, most know that at least a little bit of their information is kept track of somewhere. The internet has been a huge boost for information technology in today’s times. Social media and the internet allow people to post and share whatever information they choose to with no penalty at all. On an even smaller scale stores and businesses can ask a customer for their personal information such as e-mail, telephone number, and address for their records. The use of GPS and the tracking of internet search history and purchases can inform the government of what people are planning to do. Various media outlets are also available today, information is constantly being told to people. The use of police records shows what citizens may have a history of trying to plan attacks, which will keep them under watch of the F.B.I, C.I.A, and other government agencies. Before flying on a plane U.S. citizens must go through TSA where they are checked to make sure they are not carrying any harmful items and they are checked to make sure they do not have a previous history of threats against the country.
Although Oceania and the United States share different motives they relate to each other in various ways. The use of information technology is used for the purpose of keeping citizens away from rebellion and harm. The information is found out by both by the use of electronic devices that can track, record and view the surroundings or conversations. In Oceania there are telescreens in buildings that cannot be turned off and the undercover thought police who inform to The Party. In the United States people are primarily monitored through their personal devices. Smartphones, computers, and tablets all have the ability to be monitored. The United States also has security and traffic cameras that can be compared to the microphones that are placed everywhere in Oceania.
Both Oceania and the United States track their citizens in some way. The two just have different motives. Oceania uses their information technology for purpose of staying in power. The United States uses it's information technology for the safety of the country and it's citizens.