
What Are The Similarities Between African Americans And Jews

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What Are The Similarities Between African Americans And Jews
I can not believe they were treated this way. African Americans and Jews were treated very unfairly for many years. This oppression helped carve the views of African Americans and Jews. Discrimination still exists towards the two races to this day. Their ways of life had a plenty of similarities as well as differences. The start of oppression for Jews began in 1933 when Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. He tricked people into believing and putting blame on Jews for problems in Germany. This caused violence to erupt and attacks were held against Jews. In 1934 bans were put on Jewish health insurance and Jews were claimed to murder Christian children. The Nuremberg laws were passed in 1935 and in 1936 jews were banned from professional …show more content…
Both of them had laws and restrictions against them. The Jews were given many restrictions by the Nazi’s. They imposed strict curfews upon the individuals and also prohibited Jews from entering designated areas in many German cities. Once a general food rationing began, Jews received reduced rations, limiting the time periods in which they could purchase food or supplies, leading households to face shortages on basic essentials. African Americans were unable to vote, own land, own a weapon, and were segregated from the whites in their community, which was forced by the Jim Crow Laws. To have a relationship with white people or travel without a permit was strictly prohibited. They also had wars fought for them to try and gain freedom. The African Americans were always discriminated or enslaved throughout the United States. There were arguments between the free and slave states over the decision of whether slavery should be diminished or kept to keep the African Americans at labor. This created the Civil War, which would make the outcome of the choice of keeping slavery or not. Most Jews were forced to fight alongside with Hitler and his Nazi’s during World War ll. The War was fought because France and Britain believed the Soviet Union might enter the war on Germany’s side, so they drove out of the League of Nations. After the defeation of Poland, the war moved into the Western Territory and then there was no war between two sides. Even though they were two different races, they were still discriminated. African Americans were exposed to a lot of discrimination throughout their lives. One example is that the enslaved African Americans had no freedom and were not considered as citizens, preventing them from running for office, voting, or suing in court. They would be punished harshly or unfairly over there actions. Hitler blamed the Jews for losing the war so he put the them

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