one another, they used similar weapons. No two wars are the same, and analyzing each one allows for the discovery of new ideas from the time; but when you look into them, it is visible to the eye that each one shares a connecting point with another. The history of Western Europe is full of violent uprisings that pitted a religious, or political group against the prevailing government of the day.
The civil war that occurred from 1642 to 1649 in England was unique in that it pitted a monarch and his representative assembly against one another for the first time ever. ( Even more shockingly, the English Civil War terminated in the first ever trial and execution of a sitting monarch. The English Civil War was a highly complex conflict, one which cannot be pinned on a single cause alone. It was caused by a combination of long term and short-term factors. Some of these causes were political, other were more economic and religious. One of the major influences of the outbreak of the civil war was religion. The religious quarrels began right at the start of Charles’ reign, when he married Henrietta Maria, a French Catholic. ( This was looked down upon by much of the public, especially the Puritans. The church also underwent many changes, most of which were the spitting image of Catholicism. ( Another factor in the outbreak of the civil war was foreign affairs. With the thirty years war going on and catholic rulers attempting to wipe out the protestants in their country, people fears in England were
fueled in association with something similar happening in England. Finally, the saying “money is the root of all evil” applies strongly as a backbone of the Civil War. A short term cause that Charles made was he desperate need for more money, which led to him instilling taxes on various goods and services, making the people angry and upset. ( Just like the English Civil War, the American Revolution sparked due to political, religious and economic conflicts, but what lay under those conflicts was much different in both wars. One of the religious causes of this Revolution was the Great Awakening, which revived religious feelings in America and challenged the authority of established churches. The Puritan and Anglican religions were losing its strength while the independent religions such as the Baptists and Methodists gained new members. ( ) It de-emphasized the role of the church and allowed individuals to question Britain’s authority over their lives. Parliamentary taxation was a major factor prompting the American rebellion. ( In 1764, Great Britain placed a tax on sugar, molasses, silk, wine, coffee, and indigo in order to raise the tax revenue for the crown and pay back the debt of the Seven Years’ War. This Sugar Act enraged the Americans and they began to protest “no taxation without representation.” ( Britain passed a great deal of taxes afterwards, including the stamp act and the tea act, which all factored into their decisions to unite and rebel. Even though both wars were fought during different time periods, a lot of the weaponry involved in these conflicts was very similar if not exactly the same. During the English Civil War, soldiers used mortars, cannons, muskets, and pikes. ( ) The Pike was one of the most commonly used weapons on the Civil War battlefield. They were cheap to make, soldiers required very little training to use them and they could be very effective especially when used in a group. ( ) There were two types of muskets used; the matchlock and the flintlock. Both were very dangerous to use and they were impossible to reload quickly, being most effective when a group of musketeers fired a volley of shots at the enemy. The mortar was very difficult to aim, but it was one of the most destructive weapons used in the civil war. In contrast, the cannons were very heavy and difficult to move. ( Aiming them was difficult and they were more effective as a means of instilling fear into the enemy than actually causing damage. Just like in the English Civil War, a broad variety of weapons were used throughout the American Revolution. While some were well-established weapons from previous wars, others were more experimental in nature. The most commonly used firearm during the Revolutionary War was the muzzle-loaded musket, just like in the civil war. ( Unlike the civil war, however, the cannon was a highly effective weapon throughout the Revolutionary War and was key to the American victory. One of the forms of weaponry that was first experimented with throughout the American Revolution, was the submarine, or an underwater vessel. Even though the attacks attempted with it failed, it was something that would later on influence the equipment used to fight wars. ( It is easy to conclude that over the years, there have been many revolutions between people and their governments. People have always wanted change, whether it be social, economic, or political, and they wanted control over their lives, rather than being under the rule of a powerful government. The English and the American Revolutions, were both started due to this very reason, and based on this, we see that even after a war is fought, problems still exist in society, leading up to another conflict. Not only do these wars impact society at the time, they impact the world we live in as well. Issues in our lives, political and social, cease to disappear and although they seem small at first, a pile starts to form causing events like these revolutions.
1. "Revolutionary War: Birth of the Nation." Causes of the Revolutionary War. MultiEducator Inc, n.d. Web. Feb. 2015.
2. "English Civil Wars | English History." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. Feb. 2015.
3. Stoyle, Mike. "Choosing Sides in the English Civil War." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. Feb. 2015.
4. "The Great Awakening." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. Feb. 2015.
5. "Revolutionary War Weapons." Revolutionary War Weapons. N.p., n.d. Web. Feb. 2015.
6. "Weapons English Civil War." Weapons English Civil War. N.p., 6 June 2013. Web. Feb. 2015.