Louis XIV's reign brought a large economic gain and severe economic recession. He was the first king to embrace mercantilism in his country as the form of economy. Unfortunately, Louis was a devout Catholic, and ruined his economy with one move. He revoked the Edict of Nantes, the document that said that Huguenots could worship Protestantism in peace. This infuriated the Huguenots, and they left with their skills. By the loss of upwards to 200,000 skilled workers and business leaders, France's economy plummeted.
Louis' cultural goals were a large success. He changed French trends and etiquette. He supported several art movements and artists by encouraging and financing them. France led Europe in the arts due to Louis XIV. He loved music and theatre. Louis XIV was a great patron of the arts. He created the city of Versailles by turning his father's hunting cabin into a grand palace. Construction began in 1668, and wasn't done until 1710. Showing his impatience, Louis XIV moved in 1682. Politically, Louis XIV was corrupt because of his greed. He fought costly wars, both life and money. His country was the most powerful and populous. His armies were large in size at peace time and even larger in wartime. His wars left France almost bankrupt. He wanted larger borders, went to any extent to get them, but lost all of