Reflection #1
Topic : What Does It to Learn ?
This is driving me to think!
Gratitude…Pass It On.
I think that sometimes when life gets busy the first thing I do is well on what isn’t working. There isn’t enough time to accomplish everything I need to do. I feel like I am spinning out of control trying to find the ever elusive balance and continue to drop every single ball I am juggling in the process. I somehow think that in the hope of being everything I am letting down from the people all around me. For me it becomes a spiral that I can’t control. Negativity never breeds anything but contempt. Nothing good can come from getting down on myself. These feeling won’t just go away when I wave a magic wand. It takes a complete overhaul of mindset my ability to see each individual tree in the forest, it means I need to slow down and celebrate what matters. So that’s what I am trying to do , focus on the little things, the everyday successes that I know are right in front of me. It requires me to look through a much different lens, one of gratitude. I have amazing people in my life. My family is a unbelievable support and they are my heart. I have colleagues and friends near and far that I can go to for almost anything I need. A multitude of opportunities present themselves daily to learn, connect, and grow. I have the ability to embrace opportunities to wonder, ask questions, and try new things. I am grateful.
The last the last four sentences really explains the true answer to my story about what it means to learn. During my research I found this blog and just love the simple way to began my personal journey in learning.