My current opinion
At this point in time, I think that when you die, the body decomposes and rots away along with the brain, thoughts, experiences ect… At the point of death, energy leaves your body which previously granted you consciousness and the ability to carry out the life processes. This is the soul, when the soul exits the body; it is judged by the ‘higher power’ and then either sent to heaven or sent back to Earth as a punishment. It takes on another body generally wiped of its previous brain, thoughts, and experiences – a fresh start. This allows you to start again in a horrible world which we are continuing to destroy with pollution, wars and killing whole species of animal. This is like an initiation test to see if you are worthy of the afterlife and ready to proceed into heaven if not, the cycle restarts… The less karma collected over the span of your life then the more chance of passing the ‘test’.
Throughout this essay I will be explaining, contradicting and supporting many points which are raised with the question of ‘what happens after death?’ I will begin to recognize the possibilities and impossibilities of religious, scientific and even my own differentiating perhaps controversial opinion. In the course of this writing, my views on afterlife, death and whether or not a soul exists will change and be influenced by the theories of others. From what we have discovered and learnt in philosophy lessons I have developed the idea that thoughts of this question fit into three main categories which are:
Heaven and hell/God –The proposal of heaven and hell claims that when you die, you continue in your afterlife to venture on to one or the other. This depends on how good you were as a person. Bad = Hell, good = heaven.
Scientific – This is more of a backed up and (in my opinion) more feasible suggestion which basically just states that you die inside as well as out. By this, I mean that you don’t live on