
What Is Brutus Persuasive Speech

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What Is Brutus Persuasive Speech
The day Julius Caesar was assassinated by the the conspirators, people gathered. The citizens of Rome shouted "We will be satisfied! Let us be satisfied!" They all wanted answers why Caesar was killed. This is when Brutus Started his speech. He made the people believe him with his speech. The people were cheering "Bring him with triumph home unto his house!" "Give him a statue with his ancestors!" as well as "Let him be Caesar!" These are some of the examples of how Brutus got the people of Rome to his side. When Antony goes up on stage people say "'Twere best he speak no harm of Brutus here." "This Caesar was a tyrant." in addition "Nay, that’s certain. We are blest that Rome is rid of him". All of these things were being said while Antony …show more content…
Both of the speeches were persuasive, but there main goals for their speeches were different. Brutus's main goal was trying to persuade the people of Rome that killing Caesar was the only thing to do. Antony used his emotions in his speech. Brutus said that he was ambitious, while Antony proved that he was not by saying "I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?" The people who betrayed him said they did it for the good of Rome. At the end of Antony's speech he says that he found a letter with Caesars seal. All of the people were shouting "The will, the will! We will hear Caesar’s will." Antony wasn't sure to show them the letter, because it might make them angry towards the people that killed Caesar. The people of Rome convinced Antony to show them the will, but Antony asked them to make a circle around Caesar's body. As the people looked at Caesar's body they said "O piteous spectacle!" and "Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let not a traitor live!". In the will it says "To every Roman citizen he gives—To every several man—seventy-five drachmas.". It also says in the will that Caesar's gardens and walkways may be enjoyed by everyone. After that the people started a fire and went to get revenge for

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