In The Hobbit Bilbo is pulled into the adventure by a wise wizard named Gandalf, as a burglar. Gandalf hints that bilbo will come onto the adventure by saying “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure with and it’s difficult to find anyone.” Gandalf was not only foreshadowing but also, turning his words as a double entendre, he hints that he is there to find a companion for his journey, but also that he knows the person he is looking for is Bilbo Baggins. Odysseus was different, a king came to him in hopes of help fighting against a known opponent, Bilbo however, (at the beginning) does not know what lies in store for him. Both characters refuse the opportunity but, in different ways. Bilbo refuses in words while Odysseus refuses in actions, he “did not want to leave his house and family to embark on a romantic adventure.” so he pretended to be retarded when the king came to his door. Bilbo simply told Gandalf that he did not want anything to do with an adventure. Thankfully, both characters are forced into one. And we can enjoy the beautifully written
In The Hobbit Bilbo is pulled into the adventure by a wise wizard named Gandalf, as a burglar. Gandalf hints that bilbo will come onto the adventure by saying “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure with and it’s difficult to find anyone.” Gandalf was not only foreshadowing but also, turning his words as a double entendre, he hints that he is there to find a companion for his journey, but also that he knows the person he is looking for is Bilbo Baggins. Odysseus was different, a king came to him in hopes of help fighting against a known opponent, Bilbo however, (at the beginning) does not know what lies in store for him. Both characters refuse the opportunity but, in different ways. Bilbo refuses in words while Odysseus refuses in actions, he “did not want to leave his house and family to embark on a romantic adventure.” so he pretended to be retarded when the king came to his door. Bilbo simply told Gandalf that he did not want anything to do with an adventure. Thankfully, both characters are forced into one. And we can enjoy the beautifully written