In many cases, medicines are tested on animals before being used on humans. This is a common argument made by pro-testing people. One may say that the testing is helping society and saving lives. This is puzzling because in many cases, the results are not applicable to humans. Animals such as mice, birds, cats, and dogs have different anatomy than humans, and …show more content…
Animal testing is not required by law for cosmetics or other household products on animals.“The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (regulated by the Food and Drug Administration) prohibits the sale of mislabeled and "adulterated" cosmetics, but does not require that animal tests be conducted to demonstrate that the cosmetics are safe”(Humane Society 2014). Other countries have even banned the selling and production of products tested on animals,“the European Union (EU), Israel, and India have banned the sale of any cosmetics or cosmetics ingredients that have been tested on animals”(Peta). This means that any cosmetic products, which is considered household products that will be used or applied to the body, that are composed of any chemicals that have been tested on animals, you cannot buy. America is actually behind on this issue, and has no laws banning cosmetic testing on animals. These tests include,”forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dogs pesticides, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits’ sensitive eyes”(Peta). The 100,000,000 animals being tested on right now, are suffering for tests, that are not even required, and these animals have no laws protecting them from such