
Who Is The Id In Get Out The Maslow Hiearchy

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Who Is The Id In Get Out The Maslow Hiearchy
1. In the movie Get Out the Maslow Hiearchy needs are shown in the antagonist Dean. Physical needs are the basic things needed to survive, such eat, sleep and drinking water. As seen in the movie family dinners was something that occurred regularly. Safety and security is seen in Dean because he is overall wealthy and well-educated. Dean feels the need to make sure his property, family and resources are secured on consistent basis. Love and belonging is seen in the relationships between dean’s family and friends. Overall, before getting introduced into Dean you can assume that he is friendly, in the movie it is evident that he is surrounded by different friendships and family members. Dean comes off with high self-esteem as he is well respected …show more content…
The Id is the center of all our impulses, it is typically unconscious and present at birth. It seeks pleasure for itself without the concern of others. The Ego is called the self, it serves as the mediator between id and super ego. Mostly conscious the ego is developed in the anal stage, it typically pleases the super ego and negotiates with the id. The Superego develops in the phallic stage, it helps keep us straight. It is the part of the individuals mind that reflects social standards picked up from parents and society. In the movie Get Out two examples of Id are seen in Roses parents. For example, Rose mom Milly insists on hypnotizing Chris into quitting smoking despite him not consenting. Also, when Rose father Dean and brother Jeremy lock Chris in the basement and attempt to perform a surgical experiment on him. This is example of Id because the Armitage’s are making unconscious decisions that only pleasure themselves. Ego is also seen throughout the movie in the characters Chris and Rod. Chris attempts to ignore the weird behavior and presumptions of Roses family being racist until he has proof. This is an example of Ego because Chris is stuck between leaving or waiting until he has valid reason to leave. Lastly ego is seen in the character Rod, Rod is one of Chris close friends and when he notices that he has not heard from Chris he gets nervous. Despite talking to Rose about Chris whereabouts and everyone telling him he was overthinking Rod did not stop there. He

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