Capulet Is to blame for their death because, when his daughter, Juliet, tells Capulet that she has no interest in marrying Paris, he should have accepted Juliet's decision. Instead of him accepting, he told her that he would disown her as his daughter. Which, in this situation made Juliet very desperate for her love was already given to Romeo. In my opinion, Juliet shouldn’t have to be married to a man who she has no love for just to make her father pleased. Juliet should be able to choose whichever man she would like to marry even if he's the enemy of her family! …show more content…
For example, Paris kept pushing Juliet to marry him even though she had no interest in it and another time was when he was going behind her back to talk to the Friar about plans for their wedding without her consent. I also blame Paris for the death of Romeo since he went straight to conclusions about what Romeo was doing at the graveyard and basically forced Romeo into fighting him. If Paris would have just left Romeo alone ,maybe he would have been able to see that Juliet wasn’t