
Why 16 Year Olds Should Not Drive

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Why 16 Year Olds Should Not Drive
Did you know that over 500,000 16 year olds die in fatal car crashes every year? That is why 16 year olds shouldn’t drive. They should not drive because 16 year olds: aren’t fully matured they are inexperienced brains are not fully developed.

16 year olds are not fully matured yet. Since they aren’t fully matured yet the mind of a 16 year old consequently thinks of things other than the road when driving. They could think of something else that causes them to crash or moreover, die. When they are driving they could lose focus and not stop, speed, or run off the road. This is why some of the total crashes every year happen.

They are inept. Some 16 year olds have car crashes due to the inept. This experience is why there are less crashes

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