Although there is a considerable cost to importing them and getting them on their feet, it helps in the big picture. If Canada were to accept more people, it would help to make money flow from person to person even more effectively. This is because all the new refugees would increase the number of consumers, or could help in the commercial or industrial areas. What’s more is that Canada has always been a country of immigrants. Ninety six percent of all people there are born outside of the it. Canada already possesses the infrastructure and programs to help these people grow without burdening the country in the short-term. Canada is in a state that they could easily allow refugees passage into the
Although there is a considerable cost to importing them and getting them on their feet, it helps in the big picture. If Canada were to accept more people, it would help to make money flow from person to person even more effectively. This is because all the new refugees would increase the number of consumers, or could help in the commercial or industrial areas. What’s more is that Canada has always been a country of immigrants. Ninety six percent of all people there are born outside of the it. Canada already possesses the infrastructure and programs to help these people grow without burdening the country in the short-term. Canada is in a state that they could easily allow refugees passage into the