A patient should have the liberty of choosing to end their suffering. Although, it may see has an extreme option, is an option the patient should have the right. However, some doctor think that Physician-Assisted Suicide goes against the oath they made. According to the article” Doctor-Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List”, one of the con of this practice is “Violates the Hippocratic Oath”. Which was that every life is sacred, therefore, commanding respect. So, just because the patients give permission, doesn’t make killing right. Still, by respecting the patient’s wishes and taking him/her out of his/her misery, the doctor is respecting their life. Physician-Assisted Suicide helps the patients in many different ways like being prepare or ending their suffering. Physician-assisted Suicide helps them retain their dignity. Terminally ill, coma, or mentally competent patients are suffering every day. For some, the pain is so much, that they don’t consider themselves “living”. Physician-assisted suicide help patients properly said goodbye to their love ones at their own pace and at their own comfort. It gives them the opportunity to be surrounded by the people they love and the things they love. An article called “Doctor-Assisted Suicide Pros and Cons List” by Nyln.org, it stated that “Physician-Assisted Suicide makes grief easier to handle” (Nyln). Since, everyone its inform of the patient’s…