A very smart man once said, “Behind every great man is an even greater woman.” What he forgot to include: “Before any great man became a great man, he had an even greater teacher.” The debate: Do teachers deserve a raise? ABSOLUTELY, they do. The number one reason this group deserves higher pay is simple: A higher salary would entice more people, who could, potentially, become amazing teachers and inspirations, to try the profession. You never know until you try. How many potentially earth-moving teachers has America lost because these people had no choice but to take jobs that would allow them room to breathe financially? We will never know. How many lives could have been changed by these people had they chosen to teach? We will never know. How many men and women now sleep on the streets instead of the penthouse because the teacher that could have inspired them had to take another job …show more content…
Our students are constantly being out-scored, out-performed, and out-shined by students around the world. To pay teachers more would be to send them the message that the job they are doing is, not only acceptable, but so outstanding, they deserve an award. The drop out rate is high, and test scores are low. At this time, to give teachers an increase in salary would be like giving a trophy to the team who lost the tournament. If teachers are doing such a great job, where are the results? If teachers are so inspiring, where’s the fire burning in this generation? One can argue how the lack of parenting or the abundance of testing has a greater impact on the crowding of the shallow end of the pool, but if more teachers were effective than ineffective, wouldn’t some of the fish start making their way to the deep end? Do some teachers deserve higher pay? Sure they do. Figure out a way to reward the good and punish the bad, but until then, the bad apples have spoiled the