From age 30+ about 25% have abortions. Lastly, only 19% of the teenagers population have abortions. In fact, calculating the rates together, teenagers and young adults do have the most abortions. Why do we not take care of ourselves if we do not want kids? We can easily avoid abortions. Most women have their reason and their reasons being, “having a baby will change my life”, “I cant afford a baby right now”, “i do not want to be a single mother”. In the United States 9 out of 10 abortions are done within the first trimester of your pregnancy. Not only that but there are ways that abortion is an option to some, like when it comes to their own health. Maybe not even their own health but imagine having your mom tell you to get an abortion. There are many ways you can think abortion is the answer. Always triple think what you want for …show more content…
According to Dr. Geetha Venkat, director of Harley Street Fertility Clinic, you can have difficulties getting pregnant and even staying pregnant. “The first step for the termination procedure is dilation of the cervix. In case of a tight cervix, more force has to be used to dilate it, which can traumatise the tissue. This can lead to an incompetent or weak cervix that can result in miscarriage or preterm birth.” says Dr. Geetha Venkat. Now if you have abortions after abortions, you are at higher risks of more things. Apart from having an affect getting pregnant because of health, you can emotionally be broken down. After abortion there is studies that 55% espressed guilt, 44% complained of nervous disorder, 36% experienced sleeping disturbance, and about 31% had regrets about their decision. So it does affect you phycially, mentally, and emotionally. We have those who become drug addicts, become suicidal, become alcoholics, they express hatred to themselves,