I can still vividly remember a terrifying night from my childhood when I suddenly awoke from my sleep because I was choking. My parents rushed me to the hospital and in the weeks that followed, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. As an eight year old child, the kindness of one of the doctors who gave me a lollipop or another one who drew a smiley face on my band-aid after my blood test turned a situation that was difficult for me to understand into a comforting experience. This condition that I continue to live with revealed to me a world that I have decided I want to be a part of. As I grew my curiosity about the medical field intensified and I was consumed with learning more about it. For …show more content…
Looking at all of the different systems and understanding how they all work together has been something I do out of enjoyment. I have a passion for all things concerning medicine and science that will further fuel my path in becoming a doctor. I genuinely love learning about how nondisjunction causes genetic disorders such as Klinefelter syndrome or how important the polarity of water is to our survival. Looking back at the way those doctors treated me, I was not only given superb care and inspired to seek a career that could allow me to do that to other people, I was also affected so much that ten years later I still feel the need to learn as much as I can about medicine. I want to be that comforting doctor for a confused child because I remember the doctors that have helped me throughout my treatment and I want to be able to do the same thing for the …show more content…
One of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had within my community was at a hospital in Pinawa, a small rural town in Manitoba. One summer I went to the hospital every day to distribute meals, read to people and most importantly, listen to their stories. There was one woman that I saw daily who had dementia. Each day we would sit down and solve the exact same puzzle and she would discuss her life as if she were still living outside the hospital. I loved this experience because every day this woman would open up more and more to me and I a felt a strong connection to her. I think it’s important to recognize health as multidimensional and that a person needs to be treated holistically. As a doctor, I want to not only give people the medical care that they require, I hope to also give them the emotional relief that they need and deserve as human beings. This natural longing to help people coupled with my ability to analyze a situation and determine a solution, leads my motivation to study medicine at James Cook. I also tutor students in biology because I want to show other people how incredibly fascinating the world around us is. One of the things that I find most rewarding is the sparkle in someone's eyes after I’ve explained a topic and everything clicks for them. This is the point at which I know I have succeeded in not only