Dream.Believe.Achieve. Every person who gets fascinated by the world’s advancements in technology try to get at least a brief idea on how the performance is impacted by just a piece of code. This piece of code penetrated into almost every possible industry and became an integral part such that the existence of the industry becomes questionable without the interference of Technology into it. Reducing the human effort, Technology places a vital role in the survival of mankind. This application of technology made me develop an interest for Computer Science.
My journey to Computer Science started at MVSR College of Engineering, The excellent facilities, courses and faculty …show more content…
During these projects I worked together with a group of colleagues which instilled in me a sense of responsibility and team work. We started our first project with a small application which is the NUMBER SYSTEM CONVERTER which converts the numbers from binary to octal, octal to hexa and vice versa. ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM, a web based application was our 2nd project. Rigging during election, inadequate polling stations and materials are some of the perpetual problems which made us think and convinced us to develop an online voting system by combining the methodologies of Database, web services to overcome the stated problems. The experience I gained from the completion of the projects inculcated in me the basic fundamentals, procedures of taking up a project eventually leading to do a case study on OPENSTACK CLOUD ENVIRONMENT and create a CLOUD FILE STORAGE FOR AUTHENTICATED USER which was my major project. In the project we worked on establishing a private cloud using OPENSTACK an open source tool and further enhancing it with a cloud storage service using AMAZON S3. Participating in various Coding events prospered my coding skills which assisted me in becoming a JAVA SE6 programmer certified by ORACLE. Being in a 3 member team I was the State Finalist in Aspirations 2020 Nation Wide Programming contest held at Infosys campus Hyderabad conducted by Infosys and Regional Finalist in ACM-ICPC World Wide Programming