Ethics and social responsibility play an important role in developing a strategic plan. Standards and principles regarding business ethics within an organization must be determined to properly define its direction to make its decisions to pursue their strategy. To accomplish this, an organization must realize they do have responsibilities. They have responsibilities not only to themselves, but to the public and their stakeholders as well. Unfortunately, there are too many examples of how a company can overstep ethical boundaries. Luckily, there are measures that can be taken to avoid that type of situation, and businesses can learn from mistakes made in the past.…
I deserve Phi Theta Kappa membership scholarship because I have what it takes to become a member. Also, knowing the importance of joining this noble organization will positively impact my life as a student. Becoming a member will give me more enthusiasm for participation in the community service and giving back to the community. As a volunteer in the school activities and at Parkland hospital, It will give me the sense of responsibility and fulfillment in supporting the community through selfless service. In addition, getting a membership scholarship will make me to work harder academically by increasing my study hours. This would make me to maintain a GPA of not less than 3.5 to enable me keep my…
I don’t know if I feel that saying that I deserve this scholarship is the right thing to say, but going to Japan has been a goal of mine ever since I can remember. My grandfather was the one who really got me interested in Japan. He would always tell me stories about the culture, people, the little bits of language that he picked up, and the time that he spent there. My grandfather would have loved me going to Japan and would have supported me whole heartedly. I want to go to Japan not only to see what he saw, but also to improve the little that I know and improve myself.…
Since, I played four sports, it was hard to just focus on one. Sometimes I would have to come in early for one sport and stay after school for another. I really had to manage my time wisely. I am proud to say that I have been on the A honor role every year since freshman year. This was a goal I had since I was a child. I always wanted to be a straight A student and when I would do bad on something, I would study it until it was perfect. I think I should be considered for this scholarship because I have great leadership skills in everything that I do. I show leadership in sports by giving 110% in practice off and on the court or field. I lead by example and have a very strong worth ethic. No matter where I am put in any sport, I give it my all.…
Affirmative action was created to increase the number of people from certain social groups in employment, education, business, government, and other areas (LaNoue, G., 2010). This policy is geared toward women, and minorities such as African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, and disabled people. Generally speaking, Affirmative Action was put into place to benefit groups that are thought to have suffered from discrimination. Some believe that affirmative action is just a means for minorities to get ahead, but the benefit is for minorities to first of all be considered. Affirmative Action has created a diverse workforce, educational system, businesses and government. Therefore, the policy is not perfect but it is necessary and in effect fair.…
My whole life I have looked up to my father, watching him work in his sales job. I remember listening intently as he would tell me about his work, being intrigued whenever he brought up the marketing department of his company. The way his company advertised and how marketing could have such a large impact on the goods people purchased and consumed fascinated me. As I have gone through high school, I have realized that marketing is something I want to do for the rest of my life. Because of this, I plan to attend the University of Alabama majoring in marketing after graduating high school. Receiving this scholarship would help me to cover some of the costs of college and help to make my dream of becoming a marketer a reality.…
I believe that I deserve this scholarship not because I am gifted with good test taking skills, or with the ability to understand math at a higher level, or even to study very efficiently, but because I am very determined. I never give up in things I believe in and I push as hard as I can till I get what needs to be done done. I am strong willed and I want to learn how to do all those things and more.…
I have always been a fan of continuing my education, however, I have never been able to raise the money to do so. When I heard about the program I was very enthusiastic about motivating myself to start and complete this course so that I could support myself financially. I have always liked working in a group environment to a fault, but I have always believed that individual training was better off for my learning style. In my opinion, I thrive better when I can express my individuality and my creative charisma in my work and/or education. By receiving the scholarship which will fund my education, will truly help me out a lot.…
* FIAT opened what was to be the largest factory in Europe with unique five floor assembly line. (Pg3 Par2)…
Why I Deserve the Principal Kazim Begum Memorial Scholarship I will easily be the first to admit that my parents heavily influenced the core of the person I am today. When I was eight and my family packed its bags and migrated to America, my parents left everything behind-their business, their parents, and their home-to obtain more opportunities for their children. I continuously observed my parents struggling to make ends meet, something that wasn't a problem in Pakistan. As I quietly observed my parents grapple with life, their sacrifices for the betterment of their children’s future molded my work ethic and motivation, their selflessness inspiring me to always be the best person I can be. Watching my parents work strenuously motivated me…
Why I Deserve This Scholarship I deserve to be selected for this scholarship because as a hardworking and committed student, I will take advantage of the tremendous academic opportunity that this scholarship will create for me. In addition, I am not only a student who works hard athletically and academically, but I also am a leader who is constantly active in community service organizations to better my small town. For the past eight years, I have attended a Baptist church that offers countless opportunities to help my community, something I hold true to my character. One major organization that I have been a part of is the “Salt of the Earth" food ministry in Bronte, Texas.…
Hello friends. I deserve this scholarship because I own the paramount educational values that will guide me throughout my educational journey. I have a clear idea in mind of what I aspire to do with my life, and that makes everything much easier for me. Confidence is the best word to describe myself during this time of life. I go to a great school that I love, have amazing friends, and have been raised with parents who I want to make very proud. My academic goals include maintaining a 3.0 GPA for the rest of the three years I'm in school and earning an Exercise Science degree. From there, I plan to eagerly apply for jobs as I am tremendously excited about this degree and what it pertains. I am pursuing my passion, and that is what it is all about.…
mean I am destined to be a zoo vet. As I grew up, airplanes in the blue sky…