Vegan diets do not provide the correct amount of nutrients your body needs to survive, and It will bring deficiencies that will affect your life and cause you to take vitamins, …show more content…
The most common reason for people not wanting to go vegan is that believe you wont get the proper nutrients you need from living off a plant based diet but studies show that people who eat on an all plant based diet run the same risk of iron deficiency than people who eat meat. "Vitamins A,C and E intakes were higher in vegetarians than no vegetarians the same with iron intake." Also the iron found in meat is heme iron which is not the kind of iron you want and decreasing your intake on heme iron reduces your risk of metabolic syndrome. Dietary iron found in plants is the iron that you want in your body."(Greger Micheal, M.D. June 5 2015
Volume 25). So studies show that whether you eat meat or not you could still run the risk of having nutrition deficiency but you are more likely to get a good balance of nutrients from plants. Also proteins which many say you get your proteins from meat are not true most proteins have essential amino acids that originate from plants. "People on a plant based diet average about twice as much protein than people that eat meat." (Greger Michael, M.D. April 25
Secondly, Most people believe that we are omnivores