What other volunteer work have you done in the community (may or may not be affiliated with the National Honor Society)?…
Personally, I have been involved in my community since I was in the Boy Scouts of America. As I acsended through to the top rank of Boy Scouts known as an Eagle Scout, many projects were conducted. For example, I have planned and conducted my own Eagle Scout project in 2009; this project consisted of building a roof for my local firehouse. Other community service includes roadside clean-ups, annual earth day events, and fellow Eagle Scout projects. Since my community college career, I have been well involved with our campus and community. Particularly in Phi Theta Kappa, the national honor society of all community colleges, where I have become the President of our chapter. Within the society, the objectives include a honor's in action project…
I have worked in career field for twenty years. I still have career goals and I have hit a ceiling due to my lack of a degree. I want to further my education and continue to advance in career. Part of me feels that I am to old to get my degree, but I have decided that I can do this, I can get my degree and now it's about me succeeding educationally. I want to complete school and have a degree. I want to know that I can achieve my dream of graduating from college. I realize that I am never to old to reach my goals. I want to go back and graduate so I can say that I am a college…
I have spent the majority of my post-undergraduate experience either working closely with nonprofits or working directly for one. Now that I am about to start my fourth year working at my current organization, I realized that there are three main interests that continue to fuel my work there, and the nonprofit sector in…
Throughout high school, I had always envisioned myself in attending Texas A&M. There are still some extra steps I need to take but I know what my goals are and I’m going to do whatever it takes to achieve them. I know it’s not going to be simple but not impossible. My parents came to this country to work hard and better their lives for my brothers and me. My dad works too hard seven days a week and I look at how tired he is all the time. I want to be able to go to school, pursue my dreams, obtain my dream job and help other people. I want my parents to see that them working so hard and coming to America and leaving their entire family was worth it. I want to witness the happiness in my dads face when I walk across that stage at Texas A&M.…
In my Senior Year of being in the National Honor Society, I was excited to volunteer and to help those in need. I helped out with a soup kitchen in Brainerd through another organization that I am in, the Student Council. As I scooped soup into bowls and placed them onto people’s trays, I could see a look of appreciation and gratitude on their faces. This was the first time in my National Honor Society career where I understood just how much my time and effort meant to these individuals. This volunteer opportunity made me realize that a simple meal, smile, and effort to do something helpful and nice can really make someone’s day brighter or easier.…
I have always heard people say, “College is the key to success” and “The best way you could have great job, is by going to college”. Honestly, I always believed that you do not have to go to college. I never even wanted to go to college. At that time, I felt that college was a waste of time. The reasons why I decided to go to college was to see if college is for me. Secondly, I decided to go because of my mom and my mentor. Lastly, I want to better myself as person and succeed in life.…
All throughout school I have participated in many clubs and organizations that have not only molded me as a person, but have helped me to develop responsibility, and leadership skills. Currently I am an active member of National Honor Society, and DECA. Both of these organizations, provided by my high school, encourage leadership, volunteer work, and have high expectations for behavior, and grades. Being in National Honor Society has shown me to continually do for others in need. There are always opportunities to get involved with the community, and even create drives for things like stuffed animals, and blankets for children who are sick in the hospital, and “Care Catties” for cancer patients, which include tissues, water bottles, hard candy, and lotion. DECA is another organization I am involved in at Frenship High School. DECA is a business organization for high school marketing students looking to learn, develop and compete in a competitive event. I have been a member since my sophomore…
I always loved school, and I was a fast learner. I was praised for my accomplishments at an early age and I believe that the satisfaction I gained from impressing others was motivation that impacted my future. I continued to do the best I could in school. My mother was very strict and tough on me when reviewing my work, ripping my essays if I wrote in sloppy handwriting and erasing all of my math problems if I got more than one wrong. It was emotionally difficult but I eventually toughened up, and her training made me a more diligent student. The only motivation I would have was the praise I would receive for amazing scores on my work. Eventually, I stopped being praised and it was devastating for me. I entered middle school and I continued…
The reason why I'm in college is because I want a better future for myself and to show my family that I can become somebody one day. Sometimes I would say to myself like “why am I even here? This place is not the place for me “. In other words college is not for everybody because not everyone who lives with their parents who can afford for tuition for college. But for me I realize that staying alone and not doing nothing for me was the biggest mistake I ever made as young adult at the age of nineteen. Soon as I turn 20 I decided that it was time for me to do something that’s going to be right for myself which was working and going to college. The first day of me attending college was amazing meeting new people and getting to know others such as colleagues.…
Growing up I always thought I would someday be a nurse. It was a dream that I always had. Knowing that it would be hard for mom and dad to afford, I considered enlisting into the army to get school and training paid for. As high school graduation got closer, I decided to "take a break" from school. So, I didn't go to college or enlist.…
My goal is to become a registered nurse and to dedicate my life to helping people. I'm determined to become a nurse to touch lives not only as a provider of health care but also as a teacher. I am committed to excelling personally and professionally in all that I do and to serve as a role model by leading a healthy lifestyle.…
I would love to be a nurse someday because it has many attractive qualities. The qualities that accompany The field of nursing and which i consider essential to me include the scientific aspect to method, being an active member of the health care team, and becoming a patient advocate. When I was thirteen, I saw all different kinds of people in poverty, may it be infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people. My aunt, who lived in Mexico, got diagnosed with cancer and my family and I moved to Santa Maria Del Oro, Jalisco. It is a very small town located in central-western Mexico where poverty is very evident. My family and I stayed there for two months and everyday I would see people on the streets begging others for money just so they could treat their ailing relatives. I remember when I saw them, I felt so weak. I wanted to help them, yet I didn’t know how since I was just a child. When we came back to the states I realized health care is truly the path for me. It made me realize how other countries like Mexico are in great need of health services and made me more aware of the situation. Seeing the poverty and lack of good health care gave me more than the desire to become a nurse, it gave me the passion and determination to one day achieve that career.…
I never think that a countryside girl from Thailand like me will have so much opportunity in life. Growing up in the farmer families is impossible for me to get a good education due to financial problems. My dad doesn’t have enough money to pay for the school and books because it's so expensive. He doesn’t have money for me to buy the school uniform. So, he decided to move to the United Stated of America. The dream country for everybody to get a better job. Once he gets a good job, he sends me to school and support me in anyway. He always tells me he only finished 4th grade of school. He has to work hard for the money and work in the long period of hour. If I get a higher education, I don’t have to work hard, and I don’t have to work in the long period of hour to earn my salary. For this reason I want to…