The police were very well-read, and also very good soldiers on the field. It seems in almost every area Athens can be judged, they dominate nearly every other city-state that can be studied. Athens, while having a different view of democracy than we have today, is still considered a democratic state. Despite the fact that only free men could vote, there was still a vote, which meant the people were better represented in the courts of Athens than most other areas of the time. The democracy of Athens was impactful in forming the Ancient Greek world as we know it today, and without it, the difference would be startling. The idea of having people represented- while not being equally so- was almost only Athenian. This led to a greater pride in ones being from Athens, as well as a more well-rounded government. Without the Athenian democracy, we would not have what we have today. Now, despite popular belief, America is not a democracy in the exact sense of the word. We are, and always have been, a democratic republic. Still, the basis of this was found in the Athenian government. Imagine an America where democracy had never been
The police were very well-read, and also very good soldiers on the field. It seems in almost every area Athens can be judged, they dominate nearly every other city-state that can be studied. Athens, while having a different view of democracy than we have today, is still considered a democratic state. Despite the fact that only free men could vote, there was still a vote, which meant the people were better represented in the courts of Athens than most other areas of the time. The democracy of Athens was impactful in forming the Ancient Greek world as we know it today, and without it, the difference would be startling. The idea of having people represented- while not being equally so- was almost only Athenian. This led to a greater pride in ones being from Athens, as well as a more well-rounded government. Without the Athenian democracy, we would not have what we have today. Now, despite popular belief, America is not a democracy in the exact sense of the word. We are, and always have been, a democratic republic. Still, the basis of this was found in the Athenian government. Imagine an America where democracy had never been