Yes, education is the only way out of the darkness in today society for all Americans. Education is pushed on everyone from day one. If you do not graduate high school, then you cannot get anywhere in the real word. Then the pressure comes even harder with college because everyone says that if you do not go to college then you cannot be successful in the real world. Education today is a must for everyone it seems like because you cannot seem to get any job that amounts to anything without a diploma. I know that when I was going through high school it seemed as if there was a constant roar of “you must gain higher education or nothing will ever be as you planned”, so for me being successful in school has always been a must or I felt like a disappointment. Also, this statement can be confirmed when you go to apply for any job because they are going to ask about your education level.
Scene 4: “Melvin Tolson’s Debate Team”
What does Tolson mean when he says “Black is always equated with failure. Well write your own dictionary”?
His …show more content…
Harvard was one of the highest reining debate teams during this time and at that they were an all-white school. If Wiley, a school for the blacks, could debate Harvard this would give them a large opportunity to prove themselves. Not only that, but it would also give his team a chance to realize their true purpose. Tolsen was not able to attend the debate legally due to his parole so he put Lowe in charge, but of course he threw a fit and went off to the bar, but then he came back with an in site that he was meant to guide the other two during the debate. Farmer Jr. then realized Gods purpose in leading them into the lynching that they saw. His debate using the story won them the debate against