Golden time is a very popular behaviour initiative known national. It is a timetabled slot during the school week. Children are encouraged to put away their pencils and jotters and exchange them for iPad, arts and crafts, TV’s and outdoor activities. It is a positive behaviour management strategy most commonly known as “Golden Time” however some schools within the UK have alternate names for this. This initiative is purely intended to reward good behaviour and not focusing on learning …show more content…
It also is commonly known to improve behaviour as a child is being rewarded for this. From gathering information from an Education Support Assistant, she believes, “When children are excited about the prospect of golden time and see it as something worth having, you see fewer incidents at break times and fewer pupils being sent to the headteacher. It has a hugely positive impact on behaviour”. – . Regarding teaching staff, it is known that if a class teacher doesn’t have a clear and consistent system of rewards and discipline up to twenty percent of teaching time is lost per week because of dealing with behavioural linked issues. Although golden time has masses of positive benefits sometimes it isn’t implemented correctly which can have a negative impact. In some schools, it is treated s another playtime and not use as a form of discipline. Also, some teachers use it as a reward for classwork rather than for promoting positive behaviour and sometimes taking it away from a whole class as a punishment. Due to these reasons, it becomes less effective in promoting positive behaviour. If a child’s parent or …show more content…
Children throughout a school are separated in to “houses”. This can be decided due to surname or children can just be separated at random. In many schools throughout the UK online login accounts can be accessed by parents which gives a clear overview of their child’s achievements. This provides effective communication between school and home. Parents can find this advantageous because they don’t have to wait for the annual parents evening to find out their children’s progress. An education support assistant plays an important role within the house point system they along with teachers can appoint points to children for exceptional behaviour this can be during playground supervision or within classrooms, they would also supervise during golden time supporting children with their activities. House points are an excellent way of motivating students and improving pupil wellbeing. House captains are elected who are usually P7 pupils and Vice house captions which are usually from P6. These children provide positive leadership to the children within their house. A head teacher in a news report on the BBC website quoted “House point systems are achieving a vast improvement in pupil’s behaviour”. The house point system has a huge amount of advantages such as increasing self-esteem for children, motivation for full