
Why Is It Important To Have Term Limits

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Why Is It Important To Have Term Limits
There are term limits for how long an official can serve in office so that people who are perfect to lead the country will have an equal opportunity. The term for a president is 4 years, so if someone else is fit to to be president, they still can once the current president’s term is finished. Also, the term limit ensures safety for the nation, so the president isn’t the same as a king. If the president only serves for a maximum of 8 years, they can’t have unlimited power. This way, if the president abuses their power, there is always an end to their term. Term limits have been in place since George Washington served as the first president in 1789, but there has been debate if they should be in place at all(Reed, “Why Term Limits?”) Having term limits is essential, in some people’s opinions. Term limits in place ensure that a president …show more content…
First of all, I learned how our government functions. I read about smaller scale governments, like ours in Robbinsville. In Robbinsville, there is a Township Council that meets to discuss the events that occur in the town and can make new laws when see fit. On a larger scale, regarding the New Jersey government, I had previous knowledge on how it functions and who is involved. However, I still did acquire new knowledge about the state senators and the assembly. I never really dove deep into fully understanding the New Jersey government, but after this project and the information I learned, I realize how much I didn’t know. I also realize that as a resident of New Jersey, I really should know more about how our government works. Especially considering that I am a teenager and will be able to vote in elections in a few years’ time. I will be voting, and I will need to be informed on our government systems to make sure that I can make proper decisions and be a responsible

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