Sabeena Jagdeo
The Constitution: Key to Our Success Last night, President Johnson gave his Third Annual Message speech, ensuring the American citizens that the Constitution will remain a part of the United States, and by doing so, it will help further the country's success. The fact of the matter is that, the Constitution serves as the basic law and regulation system for the United States. Without it, we have nothing to base our laws and values on, as Johnson continually stated in his message. To dissolve the Constitution, is to destroy our nation, it will only cause more conflict among the states rather than repairing the injuries between the northern and southern states which were caused by the war. Johnson states that “our best course is to take the Constitution for our guide, walk in the path marked out by the founders of the republic, and obey the rules made …show more content…
He further proves his point that the Constitution is needed, and will help our country by declaring that the accomplishments of “the restoration of the Union of the States upon the principles of the Constitution, would inspire confidence at home and abroad in the stability of our institutions and bring the nation prosperity, peace, and goodwill”(8). By relying on the “principles of the Constitution” the government is bringing peace, and goodwill into the country. Having the Constitution, certifies that good will come into the country; the United States will be powerful and well-respected. Which American citizen does not want that for their country? Without the Constitution, Johnson guarantees that the nation will be corrupted and divided. Which is a concept that goes against all American values. Hence, by preserving the Constitution the United States is becoming a more powerful and well-respected country, according to President Johnson’s