By you using this site you are cheating yourself and risking failure / expulsion from the school.
Any student who engages on or off the school’s premises in any of the following types of misconduct will be subject to discipline by the school, which may include, without limitation, the suspension and/or termination from one or more courses the student is taking or the student’s entire program of study at the school and the referral to the proper authorities. Any student who, prior to his or her enrollment at the school, has engaged in any of the following types of misconduct may be subject to discipline by the school, which may include, without limitation, the student’s suspension and/or termination from one or more courses the student is taking or the student’s entire program of study at the school.
Section D: honesty, including, without limitation, provision of false information, alte ration or misuse of documents, plagiarism and other academic cheating, impersonation, misrepresentation or fraud.
Here is the full paper
the student satisfies all of the conditions specified abov e in the Academic and Financial Aid Probation section to be placed on AFAP.
In no event will any student be readmitted into the same program of study, or a different program of study that is at the same credential level, at the school, if the student:
for any reason withdrew or was terminated from a program of st udy at the school or at a differ ent ITT Technical Institute duri ng an academic quarter when the student was on AFAP;
is unable to make satisfactory academic progress