Throughout the story of The Once and Future King, a variety of themes and ideas have displayed, some including leadership and diverse political theories. For those who have never read The Once and Future King, the story follows the storyline of Wart who is being trained by a “wizard” named Merlyn, to be king. Merlyn is teaching Wart the best way he can, by giving Wart hands on experience, turning him into different animals and creatures, putting Wart into situations where he must think to solve or learn from.…
Many children that compete in youth sports receive trophies for their participation. The question is, are these trophies leaving a positive or a negative impact towards children. Supporting participation trophies, Lisa Heffernan states that it does teach children good values with her argument titled “In Defense of Participation Trophies”. Opposing participation trophies, Vivian Diller states that it does not prepare children for the real world with her argument titled “Do We All Deserve Gold? Setting Kids up to Fail”.…
Bruce Tulgan is internationally recognized as the leading expert on young people in the workplace and one of the leading experts on leadership and management. He is an adviser to business leaders all over the world, and a sought-after keynote speaker and management trainer. Since 1995, Bruce has worked with tens of thousands of leaders and managers in hundreds of organizations ranging from Aetna & Wal-Mart to the Army and the YMCA. He is also the founder of RainmakerThinking, a successful management training firm.…
Should everyone get a participation trophy? According to the "trophy's for all" policy, youth athletes are being awarded trophys for participating in a sport. Trophy's shouldn’t be given to everyone. Participation trophy's lose their meanings at times. People don’t get promotions for just showing up. On the other hand parents and coaches think that participation trophy's are motivating to youth athletes. Handing out trophies is a waste of time if youth athletes are not going to put in the effort to at least earn the trophy.…
Do you do things for the fun of it or for a prize? Many kids think they should get a trophy. Parents think otherwise they think getting a trophy is sending the wrong message. Trophies aren’t for everyone and everything, because trophies lose their meaning if everyone gets one, also trophies aren’t effective ways for coaches to bribe the team to do better, and you should do things for fun not for a prize.…
As a matter of fact, someone’s success is all of his/her accomplishments and rewards. Mostly rings, championships, and trophies are what everyone looks forward to in their future. Trophies are a really good way to show that I have success. Having accomplished my last job, I will get paid for my success and work I had to put into it. None the less, accomplishments and success are the best thing ever.…
Today, I heard about a participation argument over trophies being gave for participating in sports. They get a trophy for playing the sport when they did not earn it. Parents don’t realize what they are doing to their kids by just giving them things without and work or earning it. I myself am against the idea of trophies for playing a sport or something unless you or your team did earn it.…
What if everyone got a reward for everything they did in life, would it have any real value to the award? Participation trophies are being handed out to every young athlete without any true meaning, which is sending the wrong message to these young athletes. If every young athlete gets a trophy, the less meaning each trophy will show. Which also leads to the false belief behind each participation award. Many might disagree with me and think rewarding young athletes with participation trophies is beneficial to improving on skills, which can be correct but is it really worth wasting money from the team funds on something useless? According to "Trophies For All" policy, youth athletes are being awarded with participation trophies. Participation trophies shouldn't just be handed out, it should be earned.…
Everyone needs to work hard for what they want to accomplish. Hard work and never giving up on what you believe in or desire, always translates to success. Whether it is a sporting match, academics, or something that requires mental focus and energy; a person's goal should be to work hard and never give up till the very end. Hard work is the payment to achieve success. It may be tiring, it may be physically demanding, it may take a lot of brainpower, but one…
\Supporters of participation trophies argue that they hold fond memories for students, long after they received them. However, surveys have shown that often times participation trophies are thrown away because they are not special, because everyone received one. Everyone knows that to get a participation trophy all you have to do is show up, so what is so special about them?…
It is ok to give out trophies to youth athletes. It is ok because athletes don't like to lose, and it gives the youth athletes something to look forward to, if they are going to win no matter what. Depending on the child, it gives the youth athlete more confidence. But, on the other hand, it will make the child think they are all that and the best, since they got rewarded for literally doing nothing.…
If they work hard, their ability will speak for itself. Also, the election to the Hall of Fame should be reserved for the greatest players in the game. The records set in the era will always be debated. Every kid has a role model, someone they look up to or want to become. That’s why it’s important that an athlete should serve as role models to our youth.…
All around the United States, there are students receiving these “Participation trophies” for just showing up at an event. Is this right or wrong? These schools, as well with many other youth associations, are rewarding children trophies. There are many statistics that show both sides of this argument. People are starting to take things too far with the whole “reward everyone” and leaving no children or adults out of an event. It’s getting ridiculous. So the question being asked here is “Should kids get a trophy for participation?” and here is my answer.…
According to Cornell University Law School" (2010), “plea bargains are agreements between defendants and prosecutors where defendants agree to plead guilty to some or all of the charges against them in exchange for concessions from the prosecutors” (para. 1). Plea bargains allows for prosecutors and judges to focus their time on more important cases. The way plea-bargains work with prosecutors is reducing or dismissing certain crimes committed by the defendant. The defendants part in a plea bargain is to give up information about the crimes committed, such as where were stolen goods are hid and how the crime was committed. The defendant may also have to confess to other crimes, turn in other defendants, and testify in court. In some jurisdictions prosecutors and defendants work with judges to work out a sentence for the crime committed. The judge always has the last say and rules on what he or she wants, but in federal courts, unlike other courts the judge does not have to take recommendations from the prosecution. Plea bargains have become somewhat controversial among society. Individuals believe that plea bargains allow criminals to get off easy with the crimes they committed. Just because a defendant is willing to confess about his or her crimes, it does not erase the harm and inconvenience it has caused the innocent individuals involved. Therefore, a defendant can only plead guilty to a crime and cannot plead or try to prove their innocence.…
What goes through a child’s mind when they receive a trophy? Is it how hard they worked to be recognized or that they are just being a part of a group? In society there is an arising opinion that not all children participating in activities should receive a trophy. According to Reasons-Rupe Poll, “57 percent of Americans say only winning, and deserving kids should receive awards. Another 40 percent say all kids on a sports team should receive a trophy for their participation” (Ekins). These views are a result of many children showing a feeling of entitlement, an increased cost of programs, and lack of ambition.…