Prof. Bordogna
WRT 101 008 N
22. January 2015 Response to “ Willpower” In my opinion I agree with the article ‘Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength’ by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney in many point of views. The authors state many facts about improving your willpower in order to become more successful in lifeterm goals and mentally stronger. I would like to discuss the point of views stated in the article.
First of all, I agree with the authors that willpower is not the only key to help you to resist your own desire. It also requires independence, selfdiscipline and mostly selfcontrol. You are more likely to resist your urges when you have more control of your body.
Furthermore, the authors say that the willpower can be trained like a muscle and I also agree with this statement. However, willpower is mentally limited as like a muscle getting sore after too much of straining. The article gives a great example for that. It states that you are more likely to fail if you intend to quit smoking, lose weight and stop shouting at children all at the same time.
You are mentally not build to lose bad habits at once, so you have to pick only one resolution before intentionally starting another one.
Moreover, I also believe as the authors that blood sugar level is an important key for willpower.
You are more likely to make a difficult a decision after a meal rather than thinking about food while you are starving.
Lastly, the morals and good habits you already have, will help you to strengthen your willpower.
Any good habits such as sitting straight, healthy food, committing to your goals, getting support from friends, family or even online will guide you to become a mentally stronger person.
In conclusion, it is your own choice whether to overcome your desire or not. The article says that nowadays the society makes it even more difficult for us to resist our own temptation, for example the way how