To make ashamed; to embarrass 당혹스럽게 하다 To subside; to reduce 감소시키다, 무효로 하다 To step down from a position of power or responsibility 포기하다, 퇴위하다, 사퇴하다 Something not typical; a deviation from the standard 탈선, 정신이상 To hate very, very much; to detest 몹시 싫어하다, 혐오하다 Hopeless; extremely sad and servile; defeated; utterly bummed out 비천한, 비열한, 비굴한(사람) To deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce 포기하다, 버리다, 자제하다 Unsuccessful 실패한; 유산의, 발육부진의 To shorten; to condense 요약하다; 축소하다, 단축하다; 제거하다 Total; unlimited; perfect 절대의, 무조건의, 전체적 To forgive or free from blame; to free from sin; to free from an obligation 용서하다, 사면하다, 방면하다
#2 abstinent abstract abstruse abysmal accolade accost acerbic acquiesce acrid acrimonious acumen #3 acute adamant address adherent admonish adroit adulation
Abstaining; voluntarily not doing something, especially something pleasant that is bad for you or has a bad reputation 절제하는, 금욕적인 Theoretical; impersonal 추상적인, 이상적인, 난해한 Hard to understand 난해한, 심오한 Extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless 심연의, 끝없이 깊은 An award; an honor 나이트작 수여식; 명예, 표창 To approach and speak to someone 다가가서 말을 걸다 Bitter; sour; severe [맛이] 신, 신랄한 To comply passively; to accept; to assent; to agree 묵인하다; 묵묵히 따르다 Harsh; like acid 매운, 신랄한, 가혹한 Full of spite; bitter; nasty 신랄한, 엄한, 호된 Keenness of judgment; mental sharpness 예민, 날카로운 통찰력
Sharp; shrewd 날카로운, 민감한 Stubborn; unyielding; completely inflexible 단단한, 견고한, 굳센 To speak to; to direct ones attention to [...에게] 말을 걸다, 연설하다' [항의 등을]제기/제출하다 Follower; supporter; believer 지지자, 당원, 신자; 부착력 있는, 들러붙는 To scold gently; to warn 훈계하다, 충고하다; 경고하다 Skillful; dexterous; clever; shrewd; socially at ease 교묘한, 솜씨있는; 기민한, 영리한 Wild or excessive admiration; flattery 아첨, 추종
#4 adulterate adverse aesthetic affable affectation affinity affluent agenda agrarian
To contaminate; to make impure 오염시키다, 더럽히다 Unfavorable; antagonistic 반대의, 거스르는, 어긋나는, 불리한 Having to