Nowadays, workplace stress is very usual; however, excessive stress can lead to difference consequences like physical, psychological as well as behavioral. Those consequences are affecting the staff performance as well as the impact on both physical and emotional health of them resulting in the high absence rate, job dissatisfaction and high turnover to the organization. (Please see Appendix C to show the stress curve to demonstrate the relationship between stress and performance)
Based on the information gathered from the exit interview, the third high reason that why the employee to leave KFC is “Work Pressure” (shown in Appendix B Exhibit 2), which excessive stress push the employee to resign from the company. In order to identify the stressors in KFC, we first have a look into the result of employee satisfaction survey (Founders’ Survey) (shown in Appendix B Exhibit 3) interviewed 153 frontline managers in 2012, the areas that the frontline manager wanted the company to improve is about the working environment and the depreciation of the machinery, which can be identified as physical stressors in “NIOSH model of Stress” (shown in Appendix C Exhibit 2).
In order to reduce the stress in the workplace, so that to retain the employee, there are different level of strategies to use. They are primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies.(Frank J. and Jeffrey M. 2010)
The primary prevention strategies are concerned with changing or eliminating the stressors in the work place. (Cartwright and Cooper, 2005) .In the current situation, as most of the frontline manager complaint about the working environment and the old machinery, we would suggest Birdland (Hong Kong) Limited to have shop renovation so as to re-design the working environment to create enough working space so as to minimize the danger of getting hurt and rest room for employee.
Besides, replacement of old machinery and better maintenance support while malfunctioning of machinery