Chelsea Fryer
Apologetics 104 Part One: What is a worldview?
A worldview is like a pair of glass lenses which distort or taint our vision altering the way we perceive the world around us. Our worldview is formed by our education, our parental values, the culture we live in, the books we read, and the media that we absorb. For many people their worldview is simply something they have absorbed effortlessly and unconsciously from their cultural surroundings and influences. They have never thought strategically about what they believe in and would not be able to give a reasonable or understandable defense of their beliefs to others.
Part Two: Articulate the biblical/Christian Worldview (what is believed) for each of the following 5 questions
The Question of Origin - There is always a mystery that surrounds the origin of mankind. When did man appear on the earth and how was he made into a living creature? The Bible gives a definite account as to how God created man and woman. (Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:7) However, the Bible does not give a definite account as to the exact time in terms of Earth years that man was created by God. It has been said that Atheists believe and have attempted to prove that man and woman were never created. They speculate that man and woman just evolved from a previous ape ancestry. My answer to their speculation would be, why do we still have apes? If mankind evolved from apes they would be extinct.
The Question of Identity –God has always sought out to make mankind the highlight of all his creation. (Psalms 8:5). Adam and Eve were out in charge of the Garden of Eden, He allowed them to have rule and dominion over all the animals. (Genesis 2:15). He allowed Adam to name each one of the animals in the Garden of Eden. Adam was to be shepherd over the animals and have watch care over them.
The Question of Meaning/Purpose - Although mankind has struggled for the purpose of their existence throughout history,