Benoit Gailly
Group2: De Carvalho Souto, Yago
De Castro Vitali, Mariana
Ocampo Salgado, Eduardo
Iturralde, Felipe Innovation Management
LSMS 2040
Developing Innovative Ventures
LSMS 2042
1 Innovation 2 1.1 Changes and consequences 3 2 Stakeholders 5 3 Key points of the business plan 7 3.1 The Market 7 3.1.1 Competitors 8 3.2 Resources 9 3.2.1 Marketing and Business System 9 3.2.2 Team 9 4 Success Factors & Risks 10 4.1 Key success factors 10 4.2 Risks 11 5 Lessons 12 Bibliography. 14
With Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and Twitter , social networks had begun to be the stars of the internet, everyone wanted to invent new ones with different objectives and for different users, but no one has succeed or even tried hard when talking about enterprise social networks, and that’s what Yammer is about. This is how they define their self :
“Yammer is a secure, private social network for your company. Yammer empowers employees to be more productive and successful by enabling them to collaborate easily, make smarter decisions faster, and self-organize into teams to take on any business challenge. It is a new way of working that naturally drives business alignment and agility, reduces cycle times, engages employees and improves relationships with customers and partners.” (
But what is new here, which one is the innovation?. We think that the innovation in the Yammer plan is to give business firms and enterprises the possibility of use the social media in order to accelerate their communication skills and to improve the connection among their employees in a professional way that ends up resulting in a solution provider and also a media to achieve good relations between the co-workers .What is more interesting is that they did it in a way which is very familiar for everyone because the disposition and the order in with
Bibliography: "Yammer Edit." Yammer. N.p., 11 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <>. (, 2011), how to use yammer to drive innovation , from: (, Social experts at your service, from: (Virpi Oinonen,2011) , Introducing Yammer In Your Organization.