Fishing, serves as one of the primary source of food and living for many Filipinos due to the Philippines archipelagic location. Furthermore, the tourism industry has been providing jobs making many locals be dependent on the marine environment for their everyday living.
La Union, the “Surfing Capital of the North” is known for its massive waves perfect for the water sport that is surfing. Likewise, it is also known to be involved in the fishing industry. Fishermen can be found in almost its entire coastline. Its shoreline is also unique due to its diverse features – sandy, rocky, pebbles and fringing reef. Due to the importance of the marine environment to the people and to the economy of the province, it is thus important to study the quality of water and soil in these marine environments.
Water is an essential requirement for human and sustainment of the environmental life. The marine water serves as a mode of transportation for water vessels in exporting goods as well as for travel and leisure. The condition of the water in a marine environment serves a limiting factor for the diversity of marine life that it can support. Aside from its environmental importance, fishing industries highly depends also on the water quality to ensure the condition of the fishes used for food consumption. It is important to study water quality, to determine if there are any indications of an increase in the pollution level that affects body of water which may affect the marine life that it supports, and the people who rely in it.
The quality of the soil in every marine environment is very important for the soil contains and provides the nutrients needed by many aquatic plants and various corals to sustain life such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc. Soil quality describes the capacity of the soil to carry out critical functions such as: absorbing water, storing minerals and nutrients to support plant life and organisms.