In big cities such as Delhi, milk is sold at milk booths. At these booths, there is always a queue for buying milk in the morning and in the evening. People stand in a queue and one by one they move on to the window. Each person pays the money for the milk according to requirement. He gets special counters. Then he moves on to the machine with a slot to insert the counter. Only one counter can be inserted at a time into the slot. Then half a liter of milk is poured into the vessel. People are in a hurry to get to the window or the machine. Sometimes, some people try to break the queue. This leads to small arguments and quarrels. Some wise persons in the queue are able to stop these quarrels.
Electronic gadgets are now very essential to our society today. We need electronic gadgets to do business, to have some recreation and help us get through our daily lives. Businessmen often carry with them laptops and mobile phones to keep themselves in touch with the latest news about their businesses and to monitor their business. They also use electronic gadgets to create reports and contacting their customers and clients. Electronic gadgets have made life a lot easier for businessmen, corporate executives and entrepreneurs as they can monitor their business and work while they are away. However, electronic gadgets are not limited for business and corporate use. There are other incredible gadgets that will entertain people and gadgets that are used for recreation such as MP3 and MP4 players.
Who would have thought that videos and music can be stored in such a portable electronic gadgets. When connected to a personal computer, you can already start transferring videos and music files which you can enjoy virtually everywhere. You can even have the privacy to immense yourself to the latest music and videos using a headphone or just simply connect it to a portable speaker if you are in a giving mood. You can enjoy the gadget from