A. Expulsion of Moors in Spain and reunification of the country under Catholic rulers Isabella and Ferdinand caused an age of exploration and expansion.
B. After German Monk Martin Luther posted his 95 theses against church abuses, there was a powerful movement away from the Catholic Church called the Protestant Reformation, causing the Roman Catholic countries to secure their power in the world by converting non-Christian countries.
C. England originally did not explore the New World, England was Catholic and so was Spain. 1. When England became Protestant, Spain and England became rivals. Britain began exploring. 2. Spain attacked Britain in 1588, the storm “The Protestant Wind” arose and scattered the fleet, ensuring England’s naval dominance.
II. Protestant Reformation and Calvinism . Luther argued that faith alone was necessary to gain God’s grace- his word traveled fast due to the invention of the printing press.
John Calvin - believed in the supreme nature of God and humans by nature are wicked and needed rule to keep them from sin; concept of predestination (God knows before a person is born whether or not they are “chosen” to go to heaven or hell- cannot go to heaven by good works, must be “elect” )
These followers of Calvin (Puritans) made up the immigrants who settled the New England colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and NH.
III. The Church of England . Also known as the Anglican church, founded in 1534 By King Henry VIII, remained similar to Catholic Church in most ways.
Puritans in England against the similarities and sought to purify the Anglican church using teachings of Calvin.
King James saw these people as a threat to power and tried to expel them.
IV. Puritan Pilgrims . First