E-Marketplaces: Mechanisms, Tools, and Impacts of E-commerce
Learning Objectives
Describe the major electronic commerce (EC) activities and processes and the mechanisms that support them.
Define e-marketplaces and list their components. List the major types of e-marketplaces and describe their features. Describe electronic catalogs, search engines, and shopping carts. Describe the major types of auctions and list their characteristics.
Learning Objectives
Discuss the benefits, limitations, and impacts of auctions.
Describe bartering and negotiating online.
The EC trading activities are divided into six categories. Each activity is supported by one or more EC mechanism.
Sellers, Buyers and transaction
Typically a seller (retailer, whole seller or manufacturer) sells to customers. The sellers buys either raw material (as a manufacturer) or finish goods (as retailer). This process is shown below figure.
Purchasing Process
Customer buy good online in different ways. The most common way purchasing from catalogs at fixed price. Sometime price may be negotiated or discounted. The buyers use the process shows in next slide Exhibit 2.3. The process starts with login into seller website , registering(if needed) and entering into on line catalog or the buyer’s “ my account” . E-catalog can be very large so a search mechanism may be needed. Also buyers should compare price. Some sellers (ex. American Airlines) provide comparisonss with competing vendors.
Purchasing Process
The buyers can leave the site or do comparison before entering into the specific seller’s store. If not satisfied the buyer will abandon the site. If satisfied select the item and place it in a shopping cart. The buyers can return to the catalog and choose more items. Each selected item is placed in the shopping cart. When shopping is complete, the buyer go checkout page where shipment option is selected from menu.