For MBA Contents Page
1. Introduction 3
2. Findings / Analysis 4
2.1 Introduction to e-Supply Chain 4
2.2 Problems of e-Supply Chain 5
2.3 Solutions to e-Supply Chain problems using technology 7
3. Conclusion 9
4. References / Bibliography 10
1. Introduction
The use of effective and efficient supply chain has its advantages. However, in order to deploy an effective and efficient supply chain, it is necessary to coordinate the flow of material, information and financial details among all the parties involved in the supply chain.
The coordination is not always perfect which create problems in the supply chain. Problems may come across the upstream level where sourcing or procurement from external suppliers is done. It may also be the case that the problem lies in the internal systems of the organisation where the packaging, assembly or manufacturing takes place. The problems may also arise in the downstream where the distribution takes place. The various problems that come across the supply chain are discussed in the next section.
Technology has help mankind to achieve what was thought to be impossible. The problems of supply chain can be solved using the technology developed. For example, in this internet era, the payment is done online with just a click. This process take just minutes which earlier would had taken days. Technology plays an important role solving the problems of supply chain which are discussed in the subsequent sections.
2. Findings / Analysis
2.1 Introduction to e-Supply Chain
As defined by Turban supply chain is the flow of materials, information, money and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers. E-supply chain refers to a supply chain that is managed electronically, usually with Web technologies.
The diagram below shows the model of material flow in a typical manufacturing firm.
Model of Material Flow System of Typical
References: / Bibliography a) Efraim Turban, Dorothy Leidner, Ephraim McLean, James Wetherbe (2006), “Information Technology for Management – Transforming Organisations in the Digital Economy – 5th Edition”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. b) Efraim Turban, David King, Dennis Viehland, Jae Lee (2006), “Electronic Commerce – A Managerial Perspective – 4th Edition”, Pearson Education, Inc. c) Merrill Warkentin (2002), “Business to Business Electronic Commerce: Challenges & Solutions”, IRM Press d) Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver (2007), “E-commerce – Business, Technology, Society – 3rd Edition”, Pearson Prentice Hall e) Qingyu Zhang (1987), “E-Supply Chain Technologies and Management”, Information Science Reference f) Abraham Debebe & Daniel Kitaw (2004), “Model Development of Supply Chain Management System – A Case Study on Meta Abo Brewery”, Ethiopian Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal –