When I plan and organise a meeting I have to ensure everything is taken into consideration in order to help guarantee the meeting runs smoothly and everything is as the Councillors and officers expect it to be. First on the list is to ensure a room has been booked and if it hasn’t to book a room for the appropriate time and ensure there is sufficient parking available for the Councillors and any external officers. I do this by calling Mouchel and booking sufficient spaces to comply with the amount of people it is needed for. This information is then sent over to our receptionists to put out a sign in the morning of the meeting to hold the spaces for the time required and this acts as a sign post for the officers who are unsure where they have been allocated as there names will be on the sign. For some meetings Lunch vouchers are required as it can sometimes go on all day. For example, Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire has a formal meeting from 10a.m. – 1p.m. and continues on after lunch with an informal workshop for Councillors. To issue these lunch vouchers a template is printed off for the required amount of people and signed by a manager or section leader for example; my team leader would sign these if I required them for a meeting.
Agenda and papers have to be despatched within 5 working days of the meeting, however we despatch on two days a week which is Tuesday and Thursday so I despatch these on the day which complies with the procedure in place. The agendas and papers are sent to those attending, the leaders office, Gainsborough Library FYI and to public notices; any other people on the despatch list receive the papers or just the agenda solely for information. (A despatch list is attached). The Email despatch is sent out after 12 noon the following day in order to give the Councillors and members time to read the reports before the public and press. This helps them to be a step ahead and be