The setting is a home environment of a friend; the environment is clean, warm and sunny. It is not set up for children however, there are no toys, the child does not have other children to play with, and there are about eight other adults present for a get together. The situation seems like it could be possibly boring to a four year old child as there are not any toys, he can not run around in the house, and is expected to sit still for a while. In terms of safety everything is fine. Since some of the adults are using equipment to detoxify, the child did have the supervision of his Mom while using the same equipment. In terms of intellectual stimulation realizing that the child might become bored the Mom brought books with, and the host also brought out a board game for the child to play with. Even with the books and board game it easy to see how a young child could become very bored and start to act up. The parenting I would expect to see in this setting would be authoritarian, being that the child is expected to behave at someone else's home. The parenting I observed in that setting was moderately more than I would expect to see in that setting. In the interactions with the child I see the parent communicating frustration with the child's non- compliance to be still, and stop misbehaving. The parent shows annoyance with the child repeatedly wanting to be underneath her. She even tells the child to go back in the kitchen while he is having a snack and he does not have to be underneath her all the time. The Mom seems quite annoyed with the child even to the point of not wanting to interact with him at all, and appears to be quite overwhelmed with the role of mothering. The mother keeps correcting him every time he misbehaves.
The misbehavior I saw on part of the child was not wanting to stay still under the dome, a device used for health; he kept creeping out and saying he was done. He argued with his mother about