"Equality and diversity nvq level 2" Essays and Research Papers

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    Err for Level 2 Childcare

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    * to contact a law firm * To visit business link online and to search for employment laws. Aii a) * Time off & holidays * pay * working hours b) * Employment rights * Health & safety * Discrimination & equalities Aiii‚ employment laws exist to provide protection for the employee and for the employer. Task B Bi‚ The terms and conditions of my employment are: the date in which I commenced my employment. My job title‚ this explains what my title is and

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    Ways to promote equality and diversity in teaching and learning and how I promote the value of diversity. Earth consists of some continents‚ of many countries and of many numerous people‚ animals and plants‚ which makes it a unique and awesome part of the universe. The culture‚ plant and animal diversity entices us to visit and get to know other countries. However‚ the greatest value that can be found in each and every country are the people living there‚ because they represent the uniqueness of

    Free Education Teacher Personality psychology

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    HTT200 WEEK 2 Diversity

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    Diversity Raquel Torres HTT/200 December 14‚ 2014 John Laches Diversity Diversity plays a big role in the hospitality and tourism industry because there are so many different cultures and they are more present around us than before. Diversity presents a unique opportunity to understand new cultural experiences and to experience other cultures aside from what we are used to. It is important for us to understand and appreciate different cultures to enhance the nature of different cultures‚ religions

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    The social worker must find out about the child’s culture and religion and inform their new foster carer as they can then respect the child’s culture and religion and let them practice their religion at their new home and also respect their culture and the way they do things. If the foster carer didn’t know about the child’s culture and religion then they are unable to respect it and may find it difficult to understand if the child is practicing their religion in the home. If the foster carer knows

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    Assignment 031 Task A A - 1.1. Describe the social‚ economic and cultural factors that will impact on the lives of children and young people. Some learners experience barriers to learning as a result of their ethnicity‚ social group‚ race or culture. Learners from lower socio-economic backgrounds and/or specific ethnic and social groups are more likely to underachieve and this can sometimes lead to disaffection‚ marginalisation by others and in some cases‚ exclusion from the learning environment

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    There are many strategies available to help support people with physiological disorders. For both dementia and diabetes there are multiple care strategies to help them cope with their disorders and to support them through it all. The first physiological disorder I am going to be talking about related to care strategies is dementia. As dementia is a progressive illness‚ the care strategies will have to make them feel as comfortable and safe as possible. As stated in my P5‚ the first strategy

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    Signs that neglect may be occurring: Signs that discrimination may be taking place include: Signs that financial abuse may be occurring include: 1.3 Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse 2 Know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse 2.1 Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused 2.2 | Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused | 2.3 Identify

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    Assignment 5: Care and Communication This report shall evaluate care and communication from the perspective of service users and care workers. It shall uncover various care contexts and the importance of collaborative communication including techniques and skills. It will also highlight barriers that can affect clients and workers and appropriate strategies for overcoming such obstacles. The report shall also look into care values and how they impact on the experiences of the service user while

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    Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Business and Administration Portfolio of Knowledge Mandatory Units: 1) Manage own Performance In a Business Environment a. Understand how to plan work and be accountable to others i) Outline guidelines‚ procedures and codes of practice relevant to personal work ii) Explain the purpose of planning work and being accountable to others for own work In a business environment‚ it is important to carry out work as efficiently and to be as productive as possible. High

    Free Communication Writing Nonverbal communication

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    UNIT 2 1.1 My duties and responsibilities as a support worker are maintaining a high standard of care be it in personal hygiene‚ assistance with laundry and so on. Maintaining confidentiality and keeping records. Reporting immediately any incidents that may occur. Participating in courses that might help me improve my care. Being supportive and empathic towards everyone. 1.2 Maintaining trust and confidence in the patients by respecting the confidentiality norms. This is in protecting the rights

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