Essay In the movie‚ The Freedom Writers Mrs. Erin Gruwell (Hillary Swank) plays a role of a dedicated teacher who did all she could‚ to help her students learn to respect themselves and each other. She has little idea of what she’s getting into when she volunteers to be an English teacher at a newly integrated high school in Long Beach‚ California. Her students were divided along racial lines and had few aspirations beyond basic survival. Mrs. Gruwell was faced with a big challenge when a group
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themselves felt it to be a helpless cause to be teached‚ Mrs. Gruwell stands her ground and tries to prove them all wrong. With violence and discrimination as a factor playing against her‚ this seems to be a troublesome cause. But eventually after a while the students in class 203 and Mrs. Gruwell become fond of each other. But throughout the movie there was true tension between Mrs. Gruwell and Eva. It took more time and patients for Mrs. Gruwell to get Eva to open up. The transactional model‚ the model
Premium Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell
screaming‚ gun shots‚ and many news reporters talking about the Los Angeles Riots. Erin Gurwell‚ played by Hilary Swank‚ was a new‚ excited‚ and courageous teacher that wanted to teach at Woodrow Wilson High School were it had recently become integrated. Once she is there she finds out that she will be teaching the “at-risk” students (LaGravenese). The students segregate themselves in the classroom through gangs. Erin decides she wants to be the person to make a difference. She fights through gang
Premium Freedom Writers Hilary Swank Erin Gruwell
EFFECTS OF WOMAN CHARACTERS in THE MOVIES “BREAKFAST at TIFFANY’S” and “FREEDOM WRITERS” Either fictional movies or movies based on a true story‚ arouses permanent or temporary ideas or feelings. The movies named Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Freedom Writers and the effects of main women characters in these movies will be examined. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a fictional movie and it was made in 1961. Audrey Hepburn played the leading role. She represents a young and very attractive woman. In the opening
Premium Freedom Writers Hilary Swank Erin Gruwell
RESPECT 1. Why do the students initially only trust peers from their own ethnic/racial groups? 2. How does Ms. Gruwell earn the respect of her students? 3. How do the students finally come to respect one another? TOLERANCE 4. Ms. Gruwell’s father was a civil rights worker when she was growing up. How might that have affected her feelings on tolerance? 5. How does Ms. Gruwell manage to get the students to show tolerance for one another? COURAGE/PERSEVERANCE 6. Name three roadblocks or obstacles
Premium Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell Hilary Swank
the students and opens their minds. This is due to the supreme catalyst figures of Erin Gruwell and also Miep Gies. Place is also a key factor in the sculpting of one’s perspective and the Holocaust Museum The students venture to is a momentous place that furthers their change in perspective. In the film The Composer supports this message through various film and language techniques. The student’s Teacher Erin Gruwell was the driving force behind the student’s positive change in perspective toward
Premium Freedom Writers Miep Gies The Holocaust
Belonging is knowing who you are‚ through trials and struggles that you will be familiar with yourself and can understand the reasons for your uniqueness. Belonging is not only about being accepted into a circle‚ but earning that place. Not just a member‚ but a leader. “No man is an island”‚ yet despite the most basic human need to belong‚ many chose to be alone. A sense of belonging is integrated through several different contexts and aspects of each individual’s everyday life. Three texts in which
Premium Freedom Writers Gang Erin Gruwell
Prison is a long and lonely road to go down and with some of the craziest laws in the country‚ it’s not always clear why people go to prison or if the reasoning is even valid. The best thing that you could do to help pass the time is to write a letter to someone that desperately needs it. Things You’ll Need: * pen * paper * envelope * stamp * photos Step 1: There are a lot of things to remember when writing to a prisoner. The first thing is that you cannot talk about anything that
Premium Freedom Writers Publishing Hilary Swank
which embodies the story of an English class in an urban long beach high school. Directed by Richard LaGravenese and produced by‚ Danny DeVito ‚ Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher‚ the ‘Freedom writers’ is based on the struggle of a new teacher‚ Mrs. Gruwell‚ to maintain an ambitious environment in her class room. Her tolerance‚ trust and respect is not taken for granted as she climbs success alongside her students in the hopes of taking them out of their misery and showing them a life to live and look
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this at such a young age made her into a tough girl that wouldn’t be afraid of anything and always stick up her herself. She would use her bare hands as her weapons and her protection it was a rough world out there for her and many others. Once Ms. Gruwell shows up‚ she makes a big change in Eva’s life and most of the student’s lives. Eva was a girl who would only stick up for “her people” but as time passes by she starts to change her ways‚ and think about other races and individuals and on how they
Premium Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell Hilary Swank