about philosophy‚ there are many different theories of ethics. Some philosophers believe different things‚ or they expand on previous philosophies. Two theories in particular are Immanuel Kant’s deontological theory. This deals with the categorical imperative‚ and Elizabeth Spelman’s theory which discusses the ethics of care‚ and the ethics of justice. Although these theories are separated by centuries‚ they complement each other. Both theories discuss how to make ethical decisions. Kant’s theory simply
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2010 Introduction Role of Person in the Environment theory in Understanding Social Problems Sexual Assault and Homeless Male Adolescent Sexual assault overview Homeless/Runaway differences Paper Intent and Overview This paper will present a hypothetical case study of a 17-year-old African American male who has been referred for social work services after being a forced recipient partner during oral and anal intercourse. Using the person in the environment theory‚ antecedents of the adolescent’s
Premium Human sexual behavior Rape Sexually transmitted disease
principles the outcome being good or bad is not your responsibility (Kant 113). Moral law is universal and is determined by categorical imperatives. The use of categorical imperatives plays a big role in Kant’s overall moral theory. The first categorical imperative formulation is “ Act only on that maxim that you can will as a universal law” (Kant 116). This categorical imperative applies to everyone and focuses on your thought process before you act on something. You must ask yourself is what I’m about to
Premium Immanuel Kant Morality Deontological ethics
A second person that would agree with the idea of war having a different set of rules in the sense that war is more instinctive then that of a habit is Immanuel Kant. Kant holds the idea of the categorical imperative. Categorical is the Latin root to mean without exception and imperative means what must be done. This sums up the idea of one’s duty which Kant describes that duty is something one must do without exception. This idea of duty leans towards the idea of instinct because every person in
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Kant starts‚ Groundings for the Metaphysics of Morals‚ by explaining the difference between things that are good‚ and things that are good only with qualification. When it comes to the first type of good there is only one thing that counts‚ good will. Good will is by itself the only thing in the universe that is unconditionally good‚ and incorruptible. Everything else that we perceive as good‚ is not really good on its own and is equally capable of being bad. Wit‚ intelligence‚ and talent are
Premium Immanuel Kant Categorical imperative Philosophy
6.1 Suicide By Cop A 19 year old college student and addicted gambler was pulled over for erratic driving on the Long Island Expressway. He pulled out a toy pistol and pointed it at the officer‚ he was then shot and killed. Another incident involving a 45 year old cancer patient had the same ending in new Jersey. He walked into a Pizza Shop and pointed a gun at the officers inside eating. Experts believe that they force the cops to kill them as a form of suicide. Suicide is difficult to commit
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interested in the suffering or pain caused to even a person who was terminally ill and wanted to end their life‚ nor would he take into consideration the family/friends suffering. In this essay I will be arguing that if we follow the categorical imperative it is immoral to sacrifice a life because it involves treating humanity merely as a means to an end. I will examine John Hardwig’s counter argument that we should end our own lives if more pain and suffering is caused by prolonging it/living it
Premium Categorical imperative Immanuel Kant Morality
for BP‚ it might be perfectly fine‚ until it becomes part of the third party (the local citizens).. second Therefore by hiding information from the government‚ the local fishers‚ local citizens . therefore‚ BP has breached the second categorical imperative standing for respect of the individual. * According to Kant BP should have fixed the problem that it was aware of before continuing on with the project‚ even if this would not make the company profitable. * The
Premium Immanuel Kant Categorical imperative Morality
The appellant‚ Salim abdul Aziz Rahman‚ the founder of the group called the Global Islamic Jihad‚ was convicted under the USA Patriot Act of 2003 for "furthering the aims of known terrorism organizations by advocating the violence of the United States government that is called for by those organizations." He was tried and convicted by the Federal District Court‚ and has challenged the constitutionality of this Act on the grounds that it violates his First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech as protected
Premium First Amendment to the United States Constitution United States United States Constitution
After establishing good will as the most important human attribute‚ Kant then argued that reason was the second most important human attribute and therefore was possible to set up valid absolute to set up valid absolute moral rules on a basis of reason alone‚ not by reference to any supernatural being or by empirical evidence but by the same kind of logical reasoning. According to Kant’s the first requirement for an absolute moral truth is must be logically consistent evidence. Meaning to say here
Premium Immanuel Kant Philosophy Morality